Our Process


You have ideas. Great ideas. Or maybe, you’re not sure where to start. During the Concept/Phase, we will meet with you to discuss the key features and scope of the project you are considering. Bring your photos, magazine clippings, wish lists, etc.—this is fun for both the architect and the client! During this phase we will generate preliminary sketches and help you manifest the ideas into the language of drawings.


During this phase of the project, we will compose floor plans and all appropriate exterior elevations, building sections of the existing conditions and/or proposed new construction. These working documents will guide us as we further define the project and scope. At the end of design, we should have the major decisions made about the home.

Bidding & Negotiation

We offer a professional perspective and objective advice in the contractor selection process. Sometimes we host contractors on-site for the due diligence during the bidding process and can perform bid analysis once received. Frequently we generate a specification document that spells out for the contractor most of the details that they should include in the bid.

Project Administration

Once you have a contract for construction with us, the construction administration begins. We observe and work for compliance and conformance with plans and specifications. This will include on-site visits at critical stages and conferences and assisting you interpreting the documents and issuing bulletin drawings.

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